Rexbion Tablet



Malabsorption And Inadequate Intake:

The use of vitamin supplements is medically advisable in a variety of circumstance where vitamin deficiencies are likely to occur such situation may arise from inadequate intake malabosorption increased tissue needs or inborn error metabolism. (Goodman & Gilman’s 8th Edition).

Antioxidant Formula for Supplementation of Vitamins & Minerals deficiency as well as Prevention of:

  • Cancer
  • Ravages of Aging
  • Improve liver and is liver protective
  • Cardiovascular diseases e.g. Atherosclerosis

Experience Magical Results in Pregnancy & Lactation:

Promotes rapid growth of fetus, lessons risk of birth defect and help mother to meet increased requirements.

Chronic Infections:

Improve general health, body resistance & eating habits.

Growing Children:

To combat increased body demand of every nutrient.

General Weakness:

Provides speedy recovery from illness as well as from general weakness, lassitude & fatigue.


Offers essential ingredients to restore energy, increases stamina & various metabolic process.

RexBion has remarkable phytonutrients and phytochemicals that have demonstrated effectiveness in promoting longer and healthier life. supports the immune system while helping our bodies in resisting Allergies, Infection, Improve digestion regulate blood cholesterol level, Improves circulation (cardiotonic and capillary strengthening flavonoids), skin damages inflamation and other damages caused by harmful free radicals.


  • Weakness
  • Stress
  • Menopause
  • Lactation & Pregnancy
  • Mental & Physical Illness
  • Loss of Immunity
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Recovery After Illness
  • Children Growth
  • weight Loss
  • Nail, Hair & bone formation
  • Aminoacid build muscles
  • Promote burn/wound
  • Protect liver from harmful substances

Supplement Facts:

Each tablat contain: (Approx):

Vitamin A ………………………… 2500 IU
Vitamin B1 ……………………….1.50 mg
Vitamin B2 ……………………….1.70 mg
Vitamin B5 ………………………….. 5 mg
Vitamin B6 ……………………….. 1.5 mg
Vitamin C ………………………….. 50 mg
Vitamin D3 ……………………….. 200 IU
Vitamin E ………………………….. 50 mg
Niacin ……………………………….. 20 mg
Folic acid ………………………… 20 mcg
Zinc …………………………………….. 3 mg
Magnesium ……………………… 2.5 mg
Choline chloride ……………… 2.5 mg
Biotin ………………………………. 30 mcg
Iodine ……………………………… 50 mcg
Lecithin …………………………… 25 mcg
Protein (Moringa Ext.) ……. 100 mg


1-2 tablets 1-2 times daily or as directed by the physician.



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